The RV. If you didn't realise.. |
Settling in. |
The usual admin malarkey had to be performed, including
watching an incredibly long and boring video on how to put a sewage pipe on (as
the girls found out later, its not as easy as it looks…) and the staff not
knowing what Wahid’s Tunisian drivers license was. We were also required to
check the RV over for scratches, bumps etc which lead us to try and look like
we knew what we were doing, whilst at the same time failing. Epically…
Eventually however we were handed the keys and wished a good trip. Meaning we
actually had to get in the RV and drive away. Preferably without hitting
anything on the way out at least. Gulp…
Wahid drove first. Simply because he was French and
therefore was conditioned to driving on the right side of the road. Obviously… The
first destination was Target to pick up the rest of our traveling group, who
were supposed to be shopping for essentials to pack the RV out with. However
upon arriving at Target it was decided that Walmart was cheaper. And so entire
shopping trolleys of stuff were ‘relocated’ to certain aisles and left. Running
away giggling furiously in the process! Ah well, never gonna be back there
again! Once arriving at the new location of Walmart, an AGES spent going around
loading things into trolley that we hoped we would need, and then loading onto
the RV it was my turn to drive. *one massive gulp*. To say I was nervous would
be a understatement for sure! My first thought was “fuck me this is a long
vehicle” and the second being “how do I actually get this thing to go
forward?”. Being an American vehicle it was automatic with an indicator style
gear change stick (like in the movies, instead of a traditional British one
located where a manual gear stick would be). That definitely took some getting
used to! Starting off from the Walmart car park wasn’t too bad, apart from the
tight corners and me going “fuck fuck fuck!” every 30 seconds. I was quite
surprised at how easily the RV fitted in the lanes on the road. Yes it was much
wider than anything I had ever driven but my main worry (well one of them) of
being too wide for the lanes didn’t seem to be too much of an issue. Thank God.
The RV was an old one and this could be felt through the handling of the old
girl. It was much slower to respond to everything and the steering wheel a lot
looser than what I was used to. And obviously this is on top of the thing
taking longer to respond anyways simply because of the size of the damn thing!
And the wind got to it which was a nightmare at times too!
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First time driving. It's concentration on the face, not terror...! |
Despite all these issues I was surprised at how quickly I
got used to the size of the damn thing. And I enjoyed the challenge of getting
to know how to drive what was in essence a small truck! My drive that day was a
pretty long one – from Newark (just outside SF) going south to Watsonville
(yeah never heard of it either…). The route was a mixture of freeways,
interstates and highways, with a few
neighbourhood roads thrown in when we got lost! We also went down an amazing
mountain highway with awesome curves and hills and stunning scenery. Well it
would have been awesome in a car, and I was told the scenery was cool but I was
driving the RV and swearing constantly, trying not to close my eyes in terror! Despite
driving for a fair few hours, we didn’t make much distance (which we weren’t planning
on doing anyways considering it being the first day. And the fact that we kept
having to pull over to try and work out what button did what thing on the
dashboard. I kid you not – it took me nearly 10 minutes to work out how to turn
the lights on. More worrying-ly every time I hit the brakes or turned a corner,
water came flying out of the back of the RV. We eventually worked out it was
from the cap of the bit where you fill the RV with water which didn’t have a
seal on it, and with nothing we could do about it we had to leave it alone and
hope sprays of water didn’t piss off other drivers!
We eventually found an RV park to stay in, well after dark
and only after the owner took pity on us poor foreigners and let us enter the
park after hours. It was about 9.30pm by the time we got to the park (we got
lost – a habit repeated incredibly often despite the use of a satnav!) and the
next challenge presented itself – backing into the spot. Now one to shy away
from a challenge, and having the realisation that the RV park was the best
place just to get on with it (I mean, whats the worse that can happen?!) I went
for it. And with a fair bit of confused shouting, the help of a seasoned RV-er
and park owner and a lot of swearing on my behalf I managed to back the RV in
safely. Followed by a hige sigh of relief that the $1000 excess wasn’t on my
head any more. Once all the hook-ups (water, power and sewage – the latter
being the prized job that everyone fought to do every night) had been connected,
we assumed all was well and we could get some food on and chill out for the
evening. Oh no. The RV was had other ideas and after some polite conversation
with the site owner and seasoned RV-er was folded ourselves back into the RV to
be confronted with water all over the floor. Fuck. Calling back the seasoned
RV-er it was discovered that the plugs had been left closed and taps on in the
bathroom, causing an overflow of water. Great start to the evening only made
better by the seasoned RV-er then proceeding to poke around the RV and rattle
off a list of about 15 things that was wrong with it. Typical…
There being not much we could do that evening, as well as it
being dark and cold by that point, we simply opened some hard earned beers, get
food one (which with Wahid being an amazing cook was pretty damn ace) and get
our heads down. A feat much easier said than done with 8 of us in the RV! This
task in itself took over an hour with different sleeping arrangements tested
out and moved around in an effort to try and fit everyone in. Eventually it was
figured out - to some extent – and the sounds of sleep filled the RV for the
first time of the trip.
The next morning we woke up next to some beautiful
surroundings. The RV park was set right next to the a lake, with mountains in
the distance and morning mist still clinging to the water. This was exactly
what the RV trip was about! The morning was a lazy one – with no showers in the
park, it meant 8 people had to take turns to use the tiny RV shower. A time
intensive activity for sure! Being worried with a few things with the RV I got
another RV-er to have a look, and then rang Cruise America to ask some
questions. Being told everything was fine and not to worry, we didn’t. How
wrong that turned out to be…
The destination for the day was to be The Big Sur along Route 1 of the California coast. Barney took the wheel to begin with, needing to get over his (I quote) “fear” of the size of the RV. On route we took a little detour to a beach at Carmile (never heard of it) and some of the lads were silly enough to want to go swimming in the Pacific. Absolute crazies! Although they did come pretty much straight out again after feeling the temperature of the water! It was then onto the Big Sur with me behind the wheel again for a little while. Route 1 is a fantastic drive, twisting and turning along the coast, with some absolutely stunning scenery around. I really enjoyed the drive, despite the size and poor handling of the RV and it was a great place to get a feel for the RV and get used to it more. The only thing I didn’t like where the mental American drivers who when stuck behind us (it was a single lane highway) would try and overtake in the most ridiculous places, really freaking me out. Bloody yanks...
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Quack! |
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Looking out over the lake |
The destination for the day was to be The Big Sur along Route 1 of the California coast. Barney took the wheel to begin with, needing to get over his (I quote) “fear” of the size of the RV. On route we took a little detour to a beach at Carmile (never heard of it) and some of the lads were silly enough to want to go swimming in the Pacific. Absolute crazies! Although they did come pretty much straight out again after feeling the temperature of the water! It was then onto the Big Sur with me behind the wheel again for a little while. Route 1 is a fantastic drive, twisting and turning along the coast, with some absolutely stunning scenery around. I really enjoyed the drive, despite the size and poor handling of the RV and it was a great place to get a feel for the RV and get used to it more. The only thing I didn’t like where the mental American drivers who when stuck behind us (it was a single lane highway) would try and overtake in the most ridiculous places, really freaking me out. Bloody yanks...
Driving into the Big Sur and failing to find either an RV
park or campsite with spaces or showering facilities, the decision was taken to
save some money and stop on the side of the road next to the sea. The evening
was again one of many firsts and discoveries, such as not knowing how long the
battery could support the lights, how much water the RV could hold etc etc. We
worked out that the RV didn’t have enough gas to run the generator, and so Jon
and myself had to shoot off (well, as near to shooting off as possible in the
size of the damn thing!) to the nearest gas station (luckily we had passed it
previously and knew where it was) to top up the tank. At $6.66 a gallon. Yeah
you read right (for any non-US readers, the average price in the US was around $3.20
a gallon and in Cali it was nearer to $4.20 in comparison). An absolutely
outrageous price, but not one we could do much about considering our perceived situation.
Luckily the others we had left behind had got the BBQ going, and so when we
returned dinner was cooking (ish) and we froze in the unexpected cold of the
coast clutching beers and laughing at Barney worrying about cliff collapse. Poor bugger...
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