April 2012
(Blog title quote attributed to: Maggie Stiefvater,
I guess all good things have to come to an end eventually.
And with my time at UNC this came around far too quickly. I remember at the
beginning of the year I mused at how stretched out in front of me the year
looked, at it seemed like a hell of a long time until I returned home. Now I'm
feeling that the year has simply disappeared and I have run out of time.
The last few weeks in Chapel Hill have been a blur of end of
year festivities, fun, exams and sad farewells. Getting the boring bits out of
the way, my finals went well, getting A’s and B’s (even with half completion of
one exam – I had already passed the class before I sat the final!). Nothing
better than bringing up my non-existent GPA! Finals were yet again full of the
bizarre American ritual of partying harder than during the term time, with the
Pit Rave being attended my many a fresher and semester long exchange student,
alongside the streaking across campus. Being my second time around seeing this
attitude during exams, I’ve come to understand it, although I still can’t get
my head around it!
It being the last semester for many Seniors (4
years), Seniors week was also laid on for them, with a number of events
happening, including climbing the Bell Tower and Bar Golf. I was very keen to
exercise my pseudo-senior status and climb the Bell Tower to simply have a nose
around up there, and it was a pretty cool experience climbing up the windy
stairs to the top. Only to find the view restricted by tiny and pretty filthy
windows. Typical… The bar golf was also a good laugh, with many of of the
exchanges being out and about too. It was a very different experience to pub
golf back home, in that everyone raced around the bars (some starting as early
as 6 to complete them all – now that’s a hell of a sense of competition!) and
people kept asking what number hold you were on. I was just content to bar hop
around and get a little steaming to be honest (which did inevitably happen!).
Some of the places such as Carolina Coffee Shop (a bar in the evening) was
totally rammed whilst other places such as La Res were empty. Very interesting
indeed! The night finished off at He’s Not which was ridiculously busy by 1am
with golfers in various degree of fancy dress.
Was a great night indeed!
Up the Bell Tower |
Partying as hard as ever... |
Desperately holding onto the Redneck-ness! |
The end of year also meant the inevitable. Packing up of my
room and moving out of Graham 3rd. Luckily, as I wasn’t leaving
Chapel Hill till a few days after move out date I was able to get an extension
(unlike Fiona, John and Harriet who had to crash at Pritch with a few other
extras!), and so could take my time over the gathering of things together. God
knows how I managed to fit it all in two bags and a box (which was mailed
home). I had collected a serious amount of junk and had to be pretty brutal
with chucking stuff out! Very kindly I was able to leave the things I didn’t
need to go travelling with in a corner of the Pritch house (which was a mammoth
effort to do in its self with everyone else’s stuff everywhere there – god
knows how they managed!). Despite my lack of stuff it still felt sad packing up
my room and taking all the pictures and cards (people had given me before I
left) down off the walls. I had always hated my room for its bareness and prison
cell look, but it looked even worse taking it apart! Gunn left the day of his
last exam, and I was really bad and avoided the room like the plague that day
to not have to say bye to him. I just couldn’t stand it – the sooner he was
gone the better (that sounds really harsh, but it will be explained in another
blog). However it was truly sad to see the rest of the guys (and girls from
Aycock 3rd) leaving. I have had such a blast with the lot of them
and if you’re reading this guys, you have been a huge part of my year – thank
you so much. Highlights have definitely been the makeshift manikin in Sicking’s
bed, cling filming doors and toilets and all the crazy conversations and stupid
discussions had in the lounge. I’m gonna miss y’all a lot. The hall was weird
once they had all left, leaving myself, Connor and a couple of other residents
knocking around. Very quiet in comparison to the usual shenanigans’ that went
down over the year!
Looking back on the goodbyes at UNC I am filled with sadness
in that the my time there had come to an end, and some of the amazing people I
had met there I am unlikely to see again. But then I am also filled with
happiness with the memories I had there, the phenomenal people I did meet, many
of whom I will see again, and the great highs and some terrible lows I had had
over the year (thankfully waaaay more highs than lows!) which has made it such
a great experience. To all of Tar Heels reading this (both American and
International) thank you for being a part of my year and making it such a great
one at UNC.
But with the sadness of leaving UNC comes the excitement of
the next great adventure – my travels around the great US of A!
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